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Hello. My name is Diana Hutchinson, and I’m the author of Long Term Conditions: A Manual for General Practice Nurses. The book was published back in 2016 and some of the content is now out of date. I’ve withdrawn the book from sale, although used copies are sometimes available online. 


It turns out, lots of people still want to read the book. Don’t tell anyone – but I am secretly very pleased! I’ve decided to make the text freely available on this website.


To read the book, just scroll down and click the button that says "Learn More". 


You are welcome to use the text for educational purposes, but please be careful about outdated material, especially the pharmacology. 


The illustrations should not be reproduced without the permission of the artists, namely David Pyke, Kevin Smith (Kes) and Felix Bennett.


It would be great if you could share this web address with interested friends and colleagues, 

Read the book here

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Book reviews

Super handy book for me starting my new career in practice nursing.
Excellent non complicated book, I use every day


Purchased this book on beginning the role of community associate matron. This book has certainly helped a good deal


I was given this book as a gift and have found it indispensable. I am a practice nurse of 17 years experience and this book has caused me to look at my practice and reflect. A must have for all new and experienced GPN's.


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